Saturday, August 14, 2010

HTC announces new [smartfon] on September 15

Company HTC let out [tizer] which it reports that on September 15, 2010 in London takes place the certain presentation of a certain unknown [ustryostva]. On the basis of the proximity of the official starting of the operating system Windows Of phone 7 and many rumors relative to the fact that Taiwan producer prepares a whole series of Windows- communicators, it can be assumed that this announcement of one of them. Is also possible to assume that this HTC Of vision, about which also walks the mass of the rumors, which testify about the fast output of device.

Is not less probable that this HTC Of desire HD, which also must be represented in the next months. In favor the latter could speak design, it is possible to how examine on [tizere], but remembering about the fact that the company [NTS] often repeats design in its models, it cannot be spoken about this with the high portion of confidence.

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