Saturday, August 14, 2010

Qualcomm prepares to let out mirasol- device

After fat is known that the company Of amazon in this year does not plan to let out device for reading of the electronic books with the color picture screens, one of basic of aspirants to the mass production of similar [gadzhetov] became the company Of qualcomm, which already sufficiently for long develops models with the mirasol- screens. For the representatives of the resource Of slash Of gear it was possible to refine a number of moments in the Vice President of company Jim [Ketti] (Jim Of cathey), who confirmed that such models it is planned to let out for the market.

Although at the present moment the mirasol- devices has already been produced as test of models, their quantity can be sufficiently limited because of the novelty of technology. The first final models must appear prior to the end of the year, and the commercial production Of qualcomm plans to develop prior to the end of the year. Models will be produced as OEM- devices, the names of producers thus far are not called, but them �significant quantity�. The narrowest place for future [bukriderov] remains the storage battery, which must from one side be sufficient for the sufficiently prolonged off-line operation, but, with another, not to increase the weight of device to the unacceptable. Also is expected an increase in sizes and permission of screen, in the comparison with the [nynevypuskaemymi] 5,7- one inch of 1024[kh]756.

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