Sunday, August 15, 2010

What to pack?

Not too much baking this week. I'm more focused on packing up my things (unfortunately) to take down to Florida.  And since I'm staying in an apartment this year, there's 124085092358904235 times more stuff to pack.

Not only do I need the basic dorm room decor, but there's a whole other aspect to pack for: the kitchen. I plan on doing lots of baking this year, but I would also like to get back into cooking more. Which should be an interesting experience on my limited budget.

So far I've got my favorite baking pans, all my tips, gel pastes, sprinkles, cupcake liners, and fondant tools, some spatulas, my stand mixer, cookbooks, cooling racks, aprons, my rolling pin, a mini whisk, and an old knife set of my parents that probably came from a yard sale, if the mismatched knives are any indication.

I don't have pots, pans, oven mitts, and a number of other important kitchen items. Some of the items my roommates will be getting, and some things we'll buy down there (like plates and forks).

But I'm curious, fellow foodies who've done the whole college thing, what do I need in my new apartment kitchen? And what don't I need (because, seriously, overpacking is a problem for me)? And the final question, since I'm a broke college student (who doesn't want to blow her summer savings on lame practical stuff as opposed to really cool stuff), where can I go to get the cheapest kitchen items, and by cheapest I mean "good quality at a low price that will last at least two years?"

Feel free to ignore my massive run-on sentences and instead take a moment to leave me suggestions in that thar comment section!


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