Saturday, August 14, 2010

[Skay] link proposes unlimited access to the mamba

Operator [Skay] link and company �mamba� opened unlimited access to the popular service of acquaintances. For 200 rubles per month the subscriber of the mobile Internet �[Skay] link� obtains the possibility unlimitedly to be moved along the pages �of mamba�, and also to use the Web- resources of operator, including user forum. New [kontent]- option �unlimited �mamba� is accessible at present in the territory of Moscow region, subsequently it can connect the Internet- users in other regions of presence �[Skay] link�.

The united service of acquaintances and contact �mamba� unites more than 20 000 sites and the divisions of acquaintances, in the system �mamba� are registered 14 000 000 users. �Unlimited mamba� became the eighth tariff option in the rule �[Skay] link�, realized on the platform of [kontentnogo] [billinga]. [Kontent]- tariffs and options with the rate setting depending on consumed [kontenta] and type of traffic are accessible to subscribers �[Skay] link� in 21 subject RF, including in the form of the tariff options, which can be activated on any tariff plan.

Cost of the connection of option (Moscow region) - 20 rubles. Into the license fee of 200 rubles per month enters the unlimited traffic Upon transfer to other portals the traffic tariffs according to the selected tariff plan. Option is not accessible on the [kontent]- tariffs and with the presence of the connected tariff options (�unlimited classmates�, �unlimited classmates +�, �unlimited LiveJournal�, �unlimited WEB�, �unlimited WEB +�, �communicator� �unlimited Internet�, �children's Internet�, unlimited and �unlimited [Skayp]�).

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