Saturday, August 14, 2010

MTS introduces the new options of information and servicing of subscribers in [rouminge]

The operator of mobile connection MTS reported the starting of the new options of information and servicing of subscribers in [rouminge]. Now subscribers, who fall into the [roumingovuyu] zone, will obtain the communications, which inform about the cost of the services, including of GPRS- traffic, and also they can free of charge ring to the contact center.

Subscriber MTS, which was registered in the guest network, obtains communication about the presence in the [roumingovoy] zone, costs of the base tariff, including of GPRS- traffic, and the possibilities of the optimization of expenditures for connection - conditions of the service �of Mir without the boundaries� and �GPRS- packets in [rouminge]�. Also subscribers obtain information about the service numbers, which they make possible for them to free of charge learn about the size of cash resources on the calculation (with the collection of the command of *100#) and to supplement calculation (*111*33#).

Furthermore, subscribers are informed about the possibility free of charge to ring to the contact center of company from any point of the peace (previously bells they tariffed on the cost of base tariff into Russia) according to number +7-495-766-01-66. With the free bell to the contact center the subscribers can refine the state of balance, block SIM- map, activate �promised payment� or connect service �on the complete confidence�.

Now in [rouminge] subscribers MTS also obtain the possibility to free of charge connect the service �balance on the control�, which informs about a change in the calculation with each bell, one additional possibility, now accessible in [rouminge], - to obtain the free detailing of last its five actions, after collecting the command of *152#.

The subscribers of the [predoplatnoy] system of calculations during the presence in [rouminge] can learn about the urgent state of the balance of their personal account, after collecting the free command of *100#.

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