Monday, October 25, 2010

Twitter phish aims for the big players

Over the weekend we saw a link being pinged around in various chatrooms, which was directing users to a �mobile� version of Twitter. The page was a phish located on a free webhost:

fake mobile twitter page
Click to Enlarge

What particularly caught my eye was when I dug around on Twitter itself for the URL. Check out these posts from 2009:

phishing for logins

We have a Twitter account with �Facebook� in the name (a dirty big clue that something isn�t right here), sending out links to a �lighter version of Facebook��which takes you to the fake Twitter page.

I�m sure it made sense to the creator at the time, but anyway. This was a clear attempt to grab some high profile accounts and use them for shenanigans:


Warren Sapp, retired American Football player.


Alison Sudol, singer / songwriter with a rather large follow count.


Pete Wentz from the band Fall Out Boy, with an even bigger collection of followers.

It doesn�t look like any of them ever sent out spam, infection or phish links so hopefully they didn�t take the bait � there could have been a bit of a Fall Out (oh ho ho) from that eventuality. The phish URL had quite a bit of action going on:

fake logins galore

Fake Facebook and Twitter pages, along with a stolen password page for each. Luckily neither password dump appeared to have any valid accounts in them � everything we saw was either random garbage or humorous and entertaining messages left for the phisher, usually with a record number of swearwords thrown in for good measure.

Of course, we�ve reported all of the above and while the rogue Twitter account is still live (though probably not for long), the URL it happens to be pointing to looks like this:


Click to Enlarge

�The site in question was violating our ToS and was removed�.

No kidding.

Christopher Boyd

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