Thursday, July 30, 2009

Verizon Wireless Provides New Cell Sites At Hanford, Washington, Boosting 3G Coverage Options

Three Cell Sites Activated, another Scheduled to Meet Demand for Calls, Email, Text, Web, Video.

BELLEVUE, WA � Businesses, workers and visitors to the Hanford Department of Energy site in Southeastern Washington are enjoying improved service thanks to three new Verizon Wireless cell sites. With approval from Lockheed Martin Hanford, the agreement creates more wireless connectivity options for the many organizations engaged at Hanford. The cell sites are strategically placed to provide coverage for smartphones, laptops and other wireless devices from Highway 240 to the Columbia River and north to Highway 24 on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Benton County. The new cell sites expand America�s largest and most reliable 3G wireless network in the Tri-Cities area, enabling voice calls, access to the Web, e-mail, text and picture messaging, plus music and video.

This network enhancement is part of Verizon Wireless� consistent, aggressive multi-billion dollar network investment each year to stay ahead of the growing demand for the company�s voice and data services. Verizon Wireless spent $213 million to enhance services and coverage in Washington and Oregon during 2008.

Nationally, the company has invested more than $50 billion since it was formed in 2000. The result is the nation�s largest, most reliable 3G network that powers services such as Mobile Broadband and Email. Businesses of any size can tap into the power of Mobile Broadband, enabling users to connect to the Internet wirelessly while on the go to download music over-the-air and access e-mail or corporate data. For example, customers can download a 1 megabyte e-mail attachment - the equivalent of a small PowerPoint� presentation or a large PDF file - in about eight seconds and upload the same-sized file in less than 13 seconds.

Small business owners interested in Mobile Broadband, and other wireless solutions, can visit where they will find:

�An online forum to share experiences and connect with other business owners
�Access to Small Business Specialists in each Verizon Wireless store
�Discounts and promotions to help businesses stretch their budgets
�Summaries of mobile solutions like e-mail, wireless Internet and Push to Talk service 24/7 tech support
Verizon Wireless tests its network and those of its competitors to ensure the Verizon Wireless network remains the nation's most reliable. Nationally, Verizon Wireless' real-life test men and women drive about 90 specially equipped vehicles almost 1,000,000 miles annually on Interstate, U.S. and state highways, as well as major roads and surface streets in high-population areas, based upon U.S. Census counts, to determine if voice calls and data connections are successful on the first attempt and stay connected. Vehicles are equipped with computers that automatically make more than three million voice call attempts and more than 16 million data tests annually on Verizon Wireless' network and the networks of other carriers.

*Editors Note: Test Man Ride-Along Program
To set up an interview and ride-along test drive with your local Verizon Wireless test man or woman, please contact Kelley Evans at 425-452-5493.

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