Thursday, July 30, 2009

DOCOMO to Lower Basic Monthly Charges for Flat-Rate Data Plans

TOKYO, JAPAN, --- NTT DOCOMO, INC. announced that it will revise downward the basic monthly charges for both of its flat-rate data plans, cutting the cost to 390 yen from 490 yen (both including tax) beginning August 1.

The reduced charges will encourage more customers to use Pake-hodai� double (for i-mode� browsing/mail) and Biz-hodai� double (for non-i-mode browsing/e-mail via smartphones) to enjoy DOCOMO services such as BeeTV� video streaming.

In addition to the basic monthly charge, both plans use a two-tiered pricing structure involving pay-as-you-go data charges for moderate packet usage up to a set limit, or a flat-rate data charge for unlimited packets beyond the set limit (see graphs).

There is no separate data charge for minimal packet usage in any given month, another attraction of both plans.

The maximum flat-rate data charges for the plans remain unchanged. DOCOMO previously lowered the basic monthly charges for both plans to 490 yen from 1,029 yen on May 1.

Pake-hodai double (i-mode browsing/mail)

NTT DOCOMO is the world's leading mobile operator and provider of advanced mobile services. The company serves over 54 million customers in Japan, including 48 million using i-mode�, the world's most popular mobile e-mail/Internet platform, and 50 million using FOMA�, the world's original 3G mobile service based on W-CDMA. As a leader in the development of cutting-edge mobile technologies, DOCOMO is continually expanding the role of mobile phones as versatile and highly personalized "lifestyle tools" for everyday life, including with a wide range of innovative services for mobile payments, GPS, mobile TV, multimedia content and much more. NTT DOCOMO is listed on the Tokyo (9437), London (NDCM) and New York (DCM) stock exchanges. For more information, visit

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